Thursday, January 29, 2009

Script to locate incorrect path to disk on Netapp

One of the storage guys sent me an email indicating some of the disk paths were incorrect on some of our newer servers - specifically they were sending data over partner paths to disk (we have 2 heads in a cluster on that filer, so unless its in failover mode, its less efficient to send data via the partner path to disk).

So I wrote a quick script to check the paths on all hosts against the list of erroring paths he sent me:

rm -rf /root/lunerrors.txt
touch /root/lunerrors.txt
for host in `cat horhosts.txt`
echo $host > lunerrors.txt
for path in `cat errorpaths.txt`
ssh $host /usr/sbin/esxcfg-mpath -l | grep $path > lunerrors.txt

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